Inspired by the beauty I am surrounded with I have found my way back to my art.
I grew up in an artistic family and was encouraged to follow my own creative ambitions. My Mother was always sewing or knitting and at times doing her own painting and drawing. We had a painting hung on the wall that a great aunt had painted in Zanzibar. I was always happy doing art projects all the way through school.
I attended Vancouver School of Art which became the Emily Carr School of Art during my second year. I studied printmaking and sculpture and graduated with Honours Printmaking 1981.
I realized after touring Europe for a year that I was unlikely to earn my living doing art so I went to BCIT to study cabinet making and there is where I met my husband. I worked for awhile in the industry and then my husband and I started our own business doing furniture refinishing, reupholstery and custom built furniture.
In 2004 I experienced a life changing accident which side tracked any artistic goals I had set for myself. After almost a year in the hospital as both an inpatient and outpatient and continued rehabilitation to this day, art was set aside. I’ve spent the last ten years trying to get my life on track. In 2012 I had another car accident that once again sent me spiraling out of control, eventually having to resign from my job.
Thanks to the wonderful help I received, suddenly I found myself doing art again. The visions I have been storing in my head have become realizations as I have set paint to canvas. The West Coast has always been my home and I find beauty in my surroundings as I travel the highways to and from my Bowen Island home.